Self-love is often taken granted. It’s a buzz but often confused with what it means. Now here are five ways to love yourself more each day.
Self-love is often taken granted. It’s a buzz but often confused with what it means. Now here are five ways to love yourself more each day.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, the required hours of sleep is 7 to 9 hours at night. Health and wellbeing suffer from bad sleeping habits, even relationships. In research conducted by Ohio State University found that couples who lack sleep tend to fight more. So to love yourself more and everyone else around, get a good sleep.
Exercising is like oil changing in a gasoline-powered car. Show self-love by moving and being more physically active. As much as possible, take a walk three times around the mall before shopping, while brushing your teeth, or do some short pushups while preparing breakfast.
Say, “Yay Me!” a Lot
Christine Carter, the author of the Sweet Spot, said that rewards motivate humans because of the feel-good brain chemical, dopamine. Saying to yourself, “Yay me!” can burst a little dopamine just enough to reinforce you to do the action again. Just say, “Yay me!” to almost anything you do-drinking more water, ordering a healthy lunch, saying beautiful things, flossing your teeth, or taking a short walk – can create positive effects throughout the day.
Wear Flats, Ditch Heels
In the 1990s, researchers found that women who wear high heels place a large amount of pressure on the knees, hips, back, and other joints. Wearing heels at 25 may not start to impact you yet, but down the road, you won’t like the results either. Show some self-love through wearing low-heeled boots and save your heels for special occasions.
Be Honest with Everyone Especially Yourself
Most of the time, people spend so much time leasing others while not looking after themselves. Sometimes, women become so obsessed with other judgments that we tend to overlook what is the truth. A big part of self-love is knowing how you really feel in a situation and that you can clearly express those true feelings.