Bedtime can be an ideal time to get that gorgeous hair you’ve always wanted. Keeping a good hair requires simple and easy methods.
Healthy hair can be a statement itself so if you wish to keep your looks simple, keeping your hair healthy is the simplest way to manage your looks.
As soon as you wake up in the morning, your hair messes up a lot and then you ask yourself “Are there any hacks to keep my hair amazing even at night?” Well, the answer is YES! Follow these simple habits to keep it gorgeous.
Tie Your Hair as A Pony
Keep your hair tangle free by tying it in a high ponytail or a bun. Your hair will be secured and fall free.
Use Satin Sheets
Most women use cotton sheets while sleeping. However, cotton sheets tend to tangle your hair a lot due to its texture. If satin sheets are not available, use satin pillowcases.
Hair Mask
At bedtime, try making a hair mask for yourself to wake up flawlessly in the morning. How to prepare: all you need are four teaspoons of almond oil, two teaspoons of coconut oil and the yellow part of the egg. Mix all these ingredients and voila! you now have a hair mask. Apply this mask and leave it on for the night. Wash it thoroughly in the morning.
Do Not Sleep with Wet Hair
Most women tend to sleep with wet hair which is a common mistake. Sleeping with wet hair makes the hair weak and tangled. Make sure to dry your hair off before going to bed.