Eat, Drink, Be Merry and Be Healthy

Winter celebrations are pictured with a grand feast of high-calorie foods we share with family and friends. Some indulge in every bite while others are too conscious actually to eat the food. Here are some strategies to keep you healthy over the holidays:

Food Game Plan

Do not go hungry because you are keeping up a diet. Prepare a plan before each even. At least an hour before the gathering, eat some healthy snacks like almonds or an apple to curb your appetite. If you keep your stomach empty before the party, you will end up overeating and binge eat. use the same rule for any other celebrations

Analyze Your Food Choice

Check out the table first before filling your plates. Make sure you go for salads, veggies, and proteins first. Do not consume large amounts of gravy or sauces, and be mindful of your starch intake.  It’s also okay to pick foods you’ve been looking forward all year but still consume in moderation. Another good alternative for sweets is a tasty cup of hot peppermint, ginger spice, or cinnamon-tea, which are zero-calorie drinks ideal for dinner.

Pass on The Drinks

Alcoholic beverages and other cocktails are often full of calories. Mixed drinks have more calorie-content than wine or champagne. Another thing, if you opt for some drinks with a kick, try sparkling water instead of soft drinks. Add it up with a splash of pomegranate or cranberry juice and lime. These are what we call mocktails and are just as satisfying a festive as cocktails.

Thanks, but No Thanks

Often you feel guilty if you don’t partake on drinks your friends have to offer. Instead of turning it down by saying NO, try to explain that you are just mindful of your holiday intake.

Keep Exercising

There’s no such thing as gym holiday, so do not skip gym sessions over the holidays. Make sure that you have a schedule to break your sweat regularly. Try walking after a meal along with your friend, even just around the corner.  It will keep your calories burning and your energy up.

Enjoy the holiday seasons in a merry but healthy way!

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